CoreShop Order Purchasable
Items, you want to add to your Cart/Order/Quote, need to implement CoreShop\Component\Order\Model\PurchasableInterface
The concept of Purchasable allows us to decouple CoreShops Order Component from the Product Component and makes the Cart/Quote/Order more flexible in ways of which object types can be used.
A Purchasable does not a have Price directly You need create a class that implements
. in order to calculate price
Implementation of a new Purchasable Price Calculator
To implement a new custom Purchasable Price Calculator, you need to implement the interface CoreShop\Component\Order\Calculator\PurchasablePriceCalculatorInterface
As an example, we create a ProductSetCalculator, which takes prices of each consisting Product:
namespace AppBundle\CoreShop\Order\Calculator;
use CoreShop\Component\Order\Calculator\PurchasablePriceCalculatorInterface;
use CoreShop\Component\Order\Exception\NoPurchasablePriceFoundException;use CoreShop\Component\Order\Model\PurchasableInterface;
use Pimcore\Model\Product\ProductSet;
final class ProductSetCalculator implements PurchasablePriceCalculatorInterface
private PurchasablePriceCalculatorInterface $purchasablePriceCalculator;
public function __construct(PurchasablePriceCalculatorInterface $purchasablePriceCalculator)
$this->purchasablePriceCalculator = $purchasablePriceCalculator;
public function getPrice(PurchasableInterface $purchasable, array $context, bool $includingDiscounts = false): int
if ($purchasable instanceof ProductSet) {
$price = 0;
foreach ($purchasable->getProducts() as $product) {
$price .= $this->purchasablePriceCalculator->getPrice($product);
return $price;
throw new NoPurchasablePriceFoundException($this);
Now we need to register our Service to the Container:
class: AppBundle\CoreShop\Order\Calculator\ProductSetCalculator
- '@coreshop.order.purchasable.price_calculator'
- { name: coreshop.order.purchasable.price_calculator, type: product_set, priority: 20 }