CoreShop Optimistic Entity Lock Bundle
The CoreShop Optimistic Entity Lock Bundle is a package for the CoreShop e-commerce framework, based on the Pimcore platform, designed to handle optimistic entity locking. This bundle helps prevent conflicts when multiple users try to edit the same entity concurrently by implementing an optimistic locking strategy.
$ composer require optimistic-entity-lock-bundle
Adding required bundles to kernel
You need to enable the bundle inside the kernel.
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundlesToCollection(BundleCollection $collection)
new \CoreShop\Bundle\OptimisticEntityLockBundle\CoreShopOptimisticEntityLockBundle(),
Your Pimcore DataObject Class needs to implement the Interface CoreShop\Bundle\OptimisticEntityLockBundle\Model\OptimisticLockedInterface
You can therefore add the field optimisticLockVersion
to your Pimcore Class Definition.
From now on, everytime the DataObject gets saved, CoreShop compares the Versions and increases it before saving. If the version is different, someone else saved the entity before you and you get a exception.