CoreShop Theme Bundle
CoreShop Theme Bundle provides you with a flexible and extensible way of having multiple themes in a Pimcore installation.
$ composer require coreshop/theme-bundle:^3.0
Adding required bundles to kernel
You need to enable the bundle inside the kernel.
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundlesToCollection(BundleCollection $collection)
new \CoreShop\Bundle\ThemeBundle\CoreShopThemeBundle(),
Per Default, no Theme Resolver is enabled, you can enable on or multiples like:
pimcore_site: true
pimcore_document_property: true
Pimcore Site
Resolves the Theme based on the Key of the Root Document of a Pimcore Site. So if the Site's Root Document is called "demo" it tries to find a theme called the same.
Pimcore Document Property
Resolves the Theme based on a Document Property of the Site. The Property is called "theme".
Custom Resolvers
You can also add custom resolvers like:
namespace App\Theme;
use CoreShop\Bundle\ThemeBundle\Service\ThemeNotResolvedException;
use CoreShop\Bundle\ThemeBundle\Service\ThemeResolverInterface;
use CoreShop\Component\Store\Context\StoreNotFoundException;
final class CustomThemeResolver implements ThemeResolverInterface
public function resolveTheme(): string
if(rand() === 1) {
// if you cannot resolve the theme, throw an exception
throw new ThemeNotResolvedException();
return "custom/custom";
You also need to Register the Theme Resolver:
- { name: coreshop.theme.resolver, type: custom, priority: 20 }