CoreShop Invoice Creation
See Order Transformer for more.
Add a Invoice to an Order
* Note:
* The TRANSITION_REQUEST_INVOICE transition can only be applied once.
* Only dispatch it with the creation of the first invoice.
* This transition will inform the order invoice workflow that it's ready to initiate the invoice processing.
$workflow = $this->getStateMachineManager()->get($order, 'coreshop_order_invoice');
$workflow->apply($order, OrderInvoiceTransitions::TRANSITION_REQUEST_INVOICE);
$order = '';
/** @var InvoiceInterface $invoice */
$invoice = $this->container->get('coreshop.factory.order_invoice')->createNew();
$items = [];
$invoice = $this->get('coreshop.order.transformer.order_to_invoice')->transform($order, $invoice, $items);