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Version: 4.0

Customer Manager

CoreShop provides a robust Customer Manager that simplifies the process of creating customers along with their addresses. This feature is an integral part of the CoreShop suite, ensuring streamlined customer data management.

CoreShop's Implementation of Customer Manager

The Customer Manager in CoreShop adheres to the CoreShop\Bundle\CoreBundle\Customer\CustomerManagerInterface interface. CoreShop implements this interface through the service coreshop.customer.manager.

Utilizing the Customer Manager

The Customer Manager service can be used in various contexts, such as within a controller paired with a form type. Here’s an example of its usage:

$customer = $this->getCustomer();

if ($customer instanceof CustomerInterface && null === $customer->getUser()) {
return $this->redirectToRoute('coreshop_customer_profile');

$form = $this->get('form.factory')->createNamed('customer', CustomerRegistrationType::class, $this->get('coreshop.factory.customer')->createNew());

$redirect = $this->getParameterFromRequest($request, '_redirect', $this->generateUrl('coreshop_customer_profile'));

if (in_array($request->getMethod(), ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'], true)) {
$form = $form->handleRequest($request);

if ($form->isValid()) {
$customer = $form->getData();


return $this->redirect($redirect);

return $this->render($this->templateConfigurator->findTemplate('Register/register.html'), [
'form' => $form->createView(),

In this example, the Customer Manager service is used to handle customer data obtained from a form. The customer is created or updated based on form submissions, demonstrating the flexibility and ease of use provided by CoreShop's customer management system.