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Version: 4.0

Customer Company Extension

CoreShop includes a Company Entity feature, which enhances customer profiles by allowing them to be associated with specific companies. This connection enables sharing of addresses between the company and individual customers.

Access Types

The access type determines how a customer interacts with addresses, both their own and those of the associated company. This feature is activated once a customer is linked to a valid company.

Own Only

  • Default Setting: Customers can manage their own addresses.
  • Capabilities: Customers can create, edit, and delete their own addresses, and use them during checkout.

Company Only

  • Company-Centric: Customers manage company addresses.
  • Capabilities: Customers can create, edit, and delete company addresses, choose them in checkout, but cannot add personal addresses.

Own And Company

  • Dual Access: Customers can manage both personal and company addresses.
  • Capabilities: Creation, editing, and deletion of both personal and company addresses, with the ability to choose either during checkout.

Additionally, in the own_and_company mode, customers have the flexibility to define and modify the allocation of addresses. CoreShop incorporates a choice type in the address form for this purpose.

Physical Address Movement: If a customer reallocates an address (e.g., from personal to company), the address is physically moved to the new category. For example, changing an address from own to company results in the following shift:

Before Allocation Change:

- company A
- addresses
- customer A
- addresses
- address A

After Allocation Change:

- company A
- addresses
- address A
- customer A
- addresses

For further details on this feature, refer to the discussion on GitHub.