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Version: 4.0

Notification Rules

In CoreShop, Notification Rules are pivotal for managing various types of notifications triggered within the system. These rules cater to a range of scenarios, ensuring that the right notifications are dispatched under specific conditions.

Overview of Notification Types

CoreShop handles notifications for the following types:

  • Order
  • Quote
  • Invoice
  • Shipment
  • User
  • Payment

Let's explore each notification type and their respective conditions and actions:

Order Notifications

Allowed Conditions

Invoice StateTriggered if a specific Invoice State is active.
Invoice TransitionTriggered if a specific Invoice Transition has been applied.
Payment StateTriggered if a specific Payment State is active.
Payment TransitionTriggered if a specific Payment Transition has been applied.
Shipping StateTriggered if a specific Shipping State is active.
Shipping TransitionTriggered if a specific Shipping Transition has been applied.
Order StateTriggered if a specific Order State is active.
Order TransitionTriggered if a specific Order Transition has been applied.
CarriersTriggered if a specific Carrier has been selected in the Order.
CommentTriggered if a Comment Action has been applied. Available Types: create comment.

Allowed Actions

Order EmailEmail notification with Order Object.
EmailGeneral Email notification without Order Object.

Available Placeholder Keys for Email Templates

objectObject of type OrderInterface.
fromStateState identifier transitioning away from.
toStateState identifier transitioning to.
transitionUsed transition.
_localeUsed locale.
recipientCustomer Email Address.
firstnameCustomer Firstname.
lastnameCustomer Lastname.
orderNumberOrder Number.

(And similar sections for Shipment, Invoice, Payment, User, and Quote)

Custom Implementation

For bespoke notification scenarios, custom implementation of notification rules is possible. Learn more about this in Custom Notification Types.

Extending CoreShop Notification Rules

CoreShop also allows for the extension and customization of notification rules:

  • Custom Actions: Learn how to create custom actions for your notifications.
  • Custom Conditions: Discover how to implement custom conditions for more tailored notifications.
  • Custom Types: Explore how to set up custom notification types for specialized scenarios.
  • Triggering Notifications: Understand the mechanisms behind triggering notifications in CoreShop.