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Version: 4.0

Shipping Rules

CoreShop provides a robust set of default conditions and actions for shipping rules, enabling you to tailor the shipping process according to various criteria and actions. Additionally, CoreShop allows for the extension of these rules through custom actions and conditions.

Default Conditions and Actions

Default Conditions

CoreShop includes a variety of predefined conditions for shipping rules:

  • Currencies: Rules based on currency type.
  • Customer Groups: Rules targeting specific customer groups.
  • Customers: Rules applicable to individual customers.
  • Stores: Rules for specific store locations.
  • Zones: Rules pertaining to geographical zones.
  • Amount: Rules based on the amount in the cart.
  • Categories: Rules for specific product categories.
  • Countries: Rules for shipments to specific countries.
  • Dimension: Rules based on the dimensions of the products.
  • Post Codes: Rules for specific postal code areas.
  • Products: Rules applicable to individual products.
  • Shipping Rule: Rules that trigger based on other shipping rules.
  • Weight: Rules based on the weight of the cart items.
  • Nested: Complex rules combining multiple conditions.

Default Actions

The default actions included in CoreShop are:

  • Addition Amount: Add a fixed amount to the shipping cost.
  • Addition Percent: Add a percentage to the shipping cost.
  • Discount Amount: Apply a discount amount to the shipping cost.
  • Discount Percent: Apply a discount percentage to the shipping cost.
  • Price: Set a fixed price for shipping.
  • Shipping Rule: Trigger other shipping rules.

Extending Conditions and Actions

CoreShop also provides options to extend these default rules with custom conditions and actions: