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Version: 4.0

Carrier Price Calculation

In CoreShop, the calculation of shipping prices for various carriers involves multiple methods. These methods are crucial for determining the appropriate shipping cost for a carrier based on the specifics of a given cart.

Calculator Implementation

To calculate shipping prices, a Calculator must implement the interface CoreShop\Component\Shipping\Calculator\CarrierPriceCalculatorInterface. This interface defines the necessary functionality for calculating shipping costs.

Calculators should be registered in the container with the tag coreshop.shipping.price_calculator, and should include a type attribute and a priority. This registration process ensures that CoreShop recognizes and utilizes the calculator correctly during the shipping price calculation process.

Default Implementation

The default implementation for carrier price calculation in CoreShop is based on Shipping Rules. This method takes into account various rules defined for shipping, which can include factors like the weight of the cart, the destination, and other relevant criteria. By using these rules, CoreShop can accurately calculate the shipping price for different carriers, ensuring a fair and consistent approach to shipping costs.