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Version: 4.0

Product Price Rules

CoreShop provides advanced capabilities for complex price calculation methods. Price Rules are structured around Conditions and Actions.

Price Rule Types

Product Price Rules

Find detailed information on product price rules here.
Product price rules are applicable to multiple products and are based on conditions like category or manufacturer.

Specific Price Rules

Explore specific price rules here.
Specific price rules target a single product, with conditions based on factors like customer or customer group.

Quantity Price Rules

For quantity price rules, click here.
These rules apply to a single product and are based on the quantity of a cart item. They only affect cart item prices, and the default price calculation in CoreShop will return zero outside the cart context if only quantity rules are configured.

Extending Conditions and Actions

Template Helper

Get Formatted Price with all applied Rules

{% import '@CoreShopFrontend/Common/Macro/currency.html.twig' as currency %}
{% import '@CoreShopFrontend/Common/Macro/product_price.html.twig' as product_price %}

<div class="price">
<span class="price-head">{{ 'coreshop.ui.price'|trans }}:</span>
{{ product_price.display_product_price(product) }}
<div class="tax">
{{ 'coreshop_product_tax_inc'|trans|format(product|coreshop_product_tax_rate) }} ({{ currency.convertAndFormat(product|coreshop_product_tax_amount) }})

Get Active Price Rules

{{ dump(product|coreshop_product_price_rules) }}