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Version: 4.0


CoreShop leverages Pimcore Data Objects for persisting Product Information but adds a layer of dynamism and configurability through a Factory and Repository Pattern.


To create a new product, first obtain the Factory Service:

$productFactory = $container->get('coreshop.factory.product');
$product = $productFactory->createNew();

After setting the necessary values on the product, save it:



Use the Repository Service provided by CoreShop to retrieve products:

$repository = $container->get('coreshop.repository.product');

// Query by ID
$productWithIdOne = $repository->findById(1);

// Get a Listing as in Pimcore
$list = $repository->getList();
$list->setCondition("active = 1");
$products = $list->getObjects();


Updating a product follows the same pattern as in Pimcore:

$repository = $container->get('coreshop.repository.product');

// Query by ID
$productWithIdOne = $repository->findById(1);

// Change values


Deleting a product also follows the familiar Pimcore process:

$repository = $container->get('coreshop.repository.product');

// Query by ID
$productWithIdOne = $repository->findById(1);