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Version: 4.0

Tax Rates

Managing tax rates in CoreShop involves various operations, including create, read, update, and delete. Below are the guidelines for each of these operations.


To create a new tax rate via the API:

$newTaxRate = $container->get('coreshop.factory.tax_rate')->createNew();

After creating a new Tax Rate instance, persist it using:


You now have a new persisted tax rate.


To query for tax rates:

$rateRepository = $container->get('coreshop.repository.tax_rate');
$queryBuilder = $rateRepository->createQueryBuilder('c');
// You can now create your query
// And get the result
$rates = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();


To update an existing tax rate:

// Fetch Tax Rate
$rate = $rateRepository->findById(1);
// And Persist it


To delete an existing tax rate:

// Fetch Tax Rate
$rate = $rateRepository->findById(1);
// And Remove it