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Version: 4.0

Currency Context

CoreShop utilizes a concept known as context and context resolvers to determine the current currency. This section explains the different types of contexts available and how to create a custom resolver.

Context Types

CoreShop defines several contexts to identify the appropriate currency for the current request. Each context is characterized by its name, priority, associated tag, and a specific role. The following table outlines these contexts:

FixedCurrencyContextdefaultcoreshop.context.currencyPrimarily used for testing purposes.
StorageBasedCurrencyContextdefaultcoreshop.context.currencyChecks if a currency has been changed during a frontend request.
CountryAwareCurrencyContextdefaultcoreshop.context.currencyCommonly used as it determines the currency based on the current country context.

Creating a Custom Currency Resolver

To implement a custom Currency Context, follow these steps:

  1. Implement the Interface: Your custom context should implement the CoreShop\Component\Currency\Context\CurrencyContextInterface.
  2. Define the Method: The interface requires the implementation of a method named getCurrency. This method should return an instance of CoreShop\Component\Currency\Model\CurrencyInterface or throw a CoreShop\Component\Currency\Context\CurrencyNotFoundException if the currency cannot be determined.
  3. Register the Context: Add your custom context to the system by using the tag coreshop.context.currency. You can also assign a priority attribute, which is optional but can be used to define the order in which contexts are evaluated.