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Version: 4.0

Order Purchasable

For items to be added to a Cart, Order, or Quote in CoreShop, they must implement the interface CoreShop\Component\Order\Model\PurchasableInterface. This concept of Purchasable decouples CoreShop's Order Component from the Product Component, offering flexibility in the types of objects that can be used in the Cart, Quote, or Order.

Note: A Purchasable item does not have a direct price. Instead, create a class that implements CoreShop\Component\Order\Calculator\PurchasablePriceCalculatorInterface to calculate its price.

Implementation of a New Purchasable Price Calculator

To implement a new custom Purchasable Price Calculator, adhere to the interface CoreShop\Component\Order\Calculator\PurchasablePriceCalculatorInterface.

Example: ProductSetCalculator

This example creates a ProductSetCalculator, which calculates prices for each product in a set:


namespace App\CoreShop\Order\Calculator;

use CoreShop\Component\Order\Calculator\PurchasablePriceCalculatorInterface;use Pimcore\Model\Product\ProductSet;

final class ProductSetCalculator implements PurchasablePriceCalculatorInterface
// Implementation of methods

Service registration in the container:

- '@coreshop.order.purchasable.price_calculator'
- { name: coreshop.order.purchasable.price_calculator, type: product_set, priority: 20 }

This format provides detailed guidance on implementing and integrating a custom Purchasable Price Calculator in CoreShop. If there are more sections to work on or specific adjustments needed, please let me know!