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Version: 4.0

Triggering Notification Events

Triggering notification events in CoreShop is streamlined through the use of the CoreShop\Component\Notification\Processor\RulesProcessorInterface, implemented by the service @coreshop.notification_rule.processor. This processor is key to activating various notification types based on specific events.

Example: Triggering an Order Event

Consider an example where you need to trigger a notification for an order event. You'll need to provide relevant parameters that align with the notification type. Here’s how to trigger such an event for an order:

$this->rulesProcessor->applyRules('order', $event->getProposal(), [
'fromState' => $event->getMarking()->getPlaces(),
'toState' => $event->getTransition()->getTos(),
'_locale' => $order->getLocaleCode(),
'recipient' => $customer->getEmail(),
'firstname' => $customer->getFirstname(),
'lastname' => $customer->getLastname(),
'orderNumber' => $order->getOrderNumber(),
'transition' => $event->getTransition()->getName(),

In this code snippet, the applyRules method of RulesProcessorInterface is called with the order event type and associated parameters like state transitions, locale, customer details, and the order number.

CoreShop's Notification Handling

Once the event is triggered with these parameters, CoreShop's notification system processes it according to the defined rules. This ensures the appropriate notifications are dispatched, maintaining effective communication and operational efficiency.