CoreShop State Machine - Available Workflows

Order Workflow

State Machine: coreshop_order Description: The Order Workflow is the most simplest and also the most important one.

Available Places

Name Description
initialized Initial State. Just before a order gets saved for the very first time.
new a new order has been created
confirmed customer has successfully placed an order
cancelled order has been cancelled
complete the order is complete (all payments and shipments have been successfully processed)

Available Transition

Name Allowed from Places
create initialized
confirm new
cancel new, confirmed
complete confirmed


coreshop_order Workflow Visualization

Order Payment Workflow

State Machine: coreshop_order_payment Description: Defines the summary payment state

Available Places

Name Description
new order has been initial created
awaiting_payment a payment has been captured
partially_paid one of the order payments has been paid
cancelled all payments has been cancelled
paid all order payments successfully paid
partially_refunded one of the order payments has been refunded
refunded all payments has been refunded

Available Transition

Name Allowed from Places
request_payment new
partially_pay awaiting_payment, partially_paid
cancel awaiting_payment
partially_refund paid, partially_paid, partially_refunded
refund paid, partially_paid, partially_refunded


coreshop_order_payment Workflow Visualization

Order Shipment Workflow

State Machine: coreshop_order_shipment Description: Defines the summary shipment state

Available Places

Name Description
new order has been initial created
cancelled all shipments has been cancelled
partially_shipped one of the order shipments has been shipped
shipped all order shipments has been shipped

Available Transition

Name Allowed from Places
partially_ship new
cancel new
ship new, partially_shipped


coreshop_order_shipment Workflow Visualization

Order Invoice Workflow

State Machine: coreshop_order_invoice Description: Defines the summary invoice state

Available Places

Name Description
new order has been initial created
cancelled all invoices has been cancelled
partially_invoiced one of the order invoices has been invoiced
invoiced all order invoices has been successfully invoiced

Available Transition

Name Allowed from Places
cancel new
partially_invoice new
invoice new, partially_invoiced


coreshop_order_invoice Workflow Visualization

Payment Workflow

State Machine: coreshop_payment Description: Defines the single payment state

Available Places

Name Description
new new payment has been created
processing payment has been captured
completed payment is complete
failed payment has failed
cancelled payment has been canceled
refunded payment has been refunded

Available Transition

Name Allowed from Places
process new
complete new, processing
fail new, processing
cancel new, processing
refund completed


coreshop_payment Workflow Visualization

Shipment Workflow

State Machine: coreshop_shipment Description: Defines the single shipment state

Available Places

Name Description
new new shipment has been created
ready shipment has been assigned to order
cancelled shipment has been cancelled
shipped shipment has been shipped

Available Transition

Name Allowed from Places
create new
ship ready
cancel ready


coreshop_shipment Workflow Visualization

Invoice Workflow

State Machine: coreshop_invoice Description: Defines the single invoice state

Available Places

Name Description
new new invoice has been created
ready invoice has been assigned to order
cancelled invoice has been cancelled
complete invoice has been completed

Available Transition

Name Allowed from Places
create new
cancel ready
complete ready


coreshop_invoice Workflow Visualization