f# CoreShop Pimcore Component
Data Object Features
Class Converter and Data Migrate
Class converter is a small utility, which lets you migrate all Data from one class to another. Usage:
use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\Migrate;
$currentClassName = 'Product';
$newClassName = 'NewProduct';
$options = [
'delete_existing_class' => true,
'parentClass' => 'AppBundle\Model\MyProduct'
//Copies $currentClassName Definition to $newClassName
//$options can overwrite some properties like parentClass
Migrate::migrateClass($currentClassName, $newClassName, $options);
//This function migrates all data from $currentClassName to $newClassName
//It uses SQL Commands to increase performance of migration
Migrate::migrateData($currentClassName, $newClassName);
Class Installer
Class Installer helps you importing Classes/FieldCollections/ObjectBricks into Pimcore based of a JSON Definition:
use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\ClassInstaller;
$installer = new ClassInstaller();
// For Bricks use
$installer->createBrick($pathToJson, $brickName);
// For Classes use
$installer->createClass($pathToJson, $className, $updateExistingClass);
// For FieldCollections use
$installer->createFieldCollection($pathToJson, $fcName);
Class/Brick/Field Collection Updater
Definition Updaters help you in migrating your Pimcore Class/Bricks or Field Collection Definitions to be properly migrated from Release to Release.
To update a Pimcore class use it like this:
use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\ClassUpdate;
$classUpdater = new ClassUpdate('Product');
//Your JSON Definition from Pimcore
$payment = [
'fieldtype' => 'coreShopSerializedData',
'phpdocType' => 'array',
'allowedTypes' =>
'maxItems' => 1,
'name' => 'paymentSettings',
'title' => 'Payment Settings',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => true,
'index' => false,
'locked' => null,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => null,
'datatype' => 'data',
'columnType' => null,
'queryColumnType' => null,
'relationType' => false,
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => false,
'visibleSearch' => false,
//Check if field exists
if (!$classUpdater->hasField('paymentSettings')) {
//If not insert field after a specific field and save the definition
$classUpdater->insertFieldAfter('paymentProvider', $payment);
Thats it, the same works for FieldCollections with the class CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\FieldCollectionDefinitionUpdate
and for Bricks with the class CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\BrickDefinitionUpdate
Inheritance Helper
Inhertiance Helper is a small little but very useful helper class to enable Pimcore inheritance only with a closure function like this:
use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\InheritanceHelper;
$inheritedValue = InheritanceHelper::useInheritedValues(function() use($object) {
return $object->getValueInherited();
}, true);
Version Helper
Version Helper is a small little but very useful helper class to disabling or enablind Pimcore Versioning.
use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\VersionHelper;
VersionHelper::useVersioning(function() use($object) {
//Object will be saved without creating a new Version
}, false);
Unpublished Helper
Unpublsihed Helper is a small little but very useful helper class to get unpublished objects in Pimcore Frontend.
use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\UnpublishedHelper;
$allProducts = UnpublishedHelper::hideUnpublished(function() use($object) {
//Will return all products, even the unpbulished ones
return $object->getProducts();
}, false);
Expression Language Features
CoreShop adds some features to the Symfony Expression language like:
- PimcoreLanguageProvider: to get Pimcore Objects, Assets or Documents inside a Expression Language Query
Migration Features
Pimcore Shared Translations
Helps you to install new Shared Translations during Migration:
use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\Migration\SharedTranslation;
SharedTranslation::add('key', 'en', 'value');
Placeholder Features
CoreShop also extends Pimcores Placeholder features with an additional feature to use the Symfony Expression Language.
Expression Placeholder
%Expression(expression, {'expression' : 'parameter(\'kernel.environment\')'});
%Expression(expression, {'expression' : 'object(1).getProperty(\'test\')'});
%Expression(product, {'expression' : 'value.getProperty(\'test\')'});
%Expression(expression, {'expression' : 'service(\'coreshop.money_formatter\').format(100, \'EUR\', \'en\')'});
Twig Placeholder
%Twig(keyOfParams, {'template' : ':Mail/includes:files.html.twig'});
This will render your twig view with following parameters:
- keyOfParams: valueForKeyOfParams
- value: valueForKeyOfParams
- config: Placeholder Config
- params: all params available in the mail
- placeholder: object for the placeholder
Routing Features
Link Generator
The CoreShop Link Generator is a wrapper arounds Symfony Routing Component, and helps you to easier generate routes for Pimcore Objects and Symfony Routes with one function.
//Generate a route for a Pimcore Object with a Link Generator
$this->get('coreshop.link_generator')->generate($product, 'route_product', ['foo' => 'bar']);
//Generate a route for a Symfony Route or Pimcore Static Routes Route
$this->get('coreshop.link_generator')->generate(null, 'overview', ['foo' => 'bar']);
CoreShop also provides your with twig helpers for that:
{{ coreshop_path(product, 'coreshop_product_detail') }}
{{ coreshop_path('coreshop_cart_remove_price_rule', {'code' : priceRule.voucherCode }) }}
Twig Features
CoreShop adds a lot of additional twig functions to make a developers live even more enjoyable :)
Asset Helper Tests
These tests let you test if a certain object is a Pimcore Asset or one of its subtypes:
- asset
- asset_archive
- asset_audio
- asset_document
- asset_folder
- asset_image
- asset_text
- asset_unknown
- asset_video
{% if image is asset_image %}
{# Process Image #}
{% endif %}
Document Helper Tests
These tests let you test if a certain object is a Pimcore Document or one of its subtypes:
- document
- document_email
- document_folder
- document_hardlink
- document_newsletter
- document_page
- document_link
- document_page_snippet
- document_print
- document_print_container
- document_print_page
- document_snippet
{% if document is document_page %}
{# Process Document #}
{% endif %}
Document Helper Class
These tests let you test if a certain object is a Pimcore DataObject or a DataObject of a specific class.
- object
- object_class($className)
{% if product is object %}
{# product is of any DataObject Tyoe #}
{% endif %}
{% if product is object_class('Product') %}
{# product is of a Product DataObject #}
{% endif %}