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Version: 4.0

Customers Report

The CoreShop Customers Report provides an in-depth view of customer interactions within your e-commerce store. It offers valuable insights into customer purchasing patterns, helping to tailor marketing and sales strategies effectively.

Customers Report

Report Format

This report is formatted as a list, providing a detailed breakdown of customer activities.

TypeHas Pagination

Customizing the Report with Filters

Enhance your analysis with various filters to focus on specific customer segments or timeframes:

StoreFilter data by specific Store.
DayFilter for transactions on the current Day.
MonthFilter for transactions in the current Month.
YearFilter for transactions in the current Year.
Day -1Filter for transactions on the previous Day.
Month -1Filter for transactions in the previous Month.
Year -1Filter for transactions in the previous Year.
FromStart date for the filter period.
ToEnd date for the filter period.

Key Grid Fields

The report includes critical fields to understand customer engagement:

NameThe name of the customer.
Order CountTotal number of orders placed by the customer.
SalesTotal sales attributed to the customer.