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Version: 4.0

Reporting Tools Overview

CoreShop provides a comprehensive suite of reporting tools designed to deliver valuable insights into various facets of your e-commerce store. These reports are crucial for understanding sales trends, customer behaviors, and other key metrics, helping you make informed decisions to drive your business forward.

Explore Our Range of Reports

Each report in CoreShop is tailored to offer specific insights:

  • Sales Reports: Delve into your store's sales performance, including revenue and order volumes, to gauge your business's success. Access Sales Report
  • Cart/Order Conversion: Analyze the rate at which carts are converted into completed orders, a vital metric for understanding the effectiveness of your sales funnel. Access Cart/Order Conversion Report
  • Abandoned Carts: Identify and understand the carts that weren’t converted into orders, providing insights into potential sales recovery strategies. Access Abandoned Carts Report
  • Product Reports: Evaluate individual product performances within your catalog, helping you make data-driven inventory decisions. Access Product Report
  • Category Reports: Gain insights into category performances, essential for strategic product placement and marketing. Access Category Report
  • Customer Analysis: Dive deep into customer behaviors and purchasing patterns to tailor your marketing and sales approaches. Access Customer Analysis Report
  • Carrier Distribution: Review how different carriers are used for order deliveries, an important aspect of your shipping strategy. Access Carrier Distribution Report
  • Payment Distribution: Understand the distribution and popularity of various payment methods among your customers. Access Payment Distribution Report
  • Voucher Usage: Monitor how vouchers are used and their impact on sales, vital for optimizing promotional strategies. Access Voucher Report