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Version: 4.0

Sales Report Overview

The CoreShop Sales Report provides a comprehensive analysis of sales data, enabling you to track and understand sales trends over different time periods.

Sales Report

Report Format

The Sales Report is presented in a Cartesian Chart format.

TypeHas Pagination
Cartesian ChartNo

Filters for Tailored Analysis

Customize your sales data view using a variety of filters:

StoreFilter sales by specific Store.
DayFilter sales for the current Day.
MonthFilter sales for the current Month.
YearFilter sales for the current Year.
Day -1Filter sales for the previous Day.
Month -1Filter sales for the previous Month.
Year -1Filter sales for the previous Year.
FromStart date for the sales filter period.
ToEnd date for the sales filter period.
Group ByGroup sales data by Day, Month, Year.

Chart Data Fields

The sales chart includes the following data fields:

YTotal Sales Amount.
XDate of Sales.