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Version: 4.0

Carrier Distribution Report

The CoreShop Carrier Distribution Report provides a visual representation of how different carriers are utilized for shipping in your e-commerce store. This report, presented as a pie chart, is crucial for analyzing shipping preferences and efficiency.

Carrier Distribution

Report Format

The report is displayed as a pie chart, offering a clear visual breakdown of carrier usage.

TypeHas Pagination
Pie ChartNo

Customizing the Report with Filters

Apply various filters to refine your data analysis:

StoreFilter by specific Store.
DayFilter for transactions on the current Day.
MonthFilter for transactions in the current Month.
YearFilter for transactions in the current Year.
Day -1Filter for transactions on the previous Day.
Month -1Filter for transactions in the previous Month.
Year -1Filter for transactions in the previous Year.
FromStart date for the filter period.
ToEnd date for the filter period.

Chart Fields

The Carrier Distribution Report includes the following field:

  • Carrier Distribution: This field visualizes the proportion of each carrier used for shipping orders, helping you to understand which carriers are most popular or efficient for your store.