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Version: 4.0


Managing inventory in CoreShop is a critical aspect that involves understanding several key business logics to ensure accurate stock tracking and order fulfillment.

Product Inventory Configuration

Each product in CoreShop includes a "Stock" tab for inventory management. Here's a breakdown of the available configurations:

Configuration Options

Is TrackedIndicates whether the product's stock is tracked.
On HandThe current available quantity of the product.
On HoldThe quantity currently reserved (locked) for orders. Do not modify unless necessary.

Is Tracked

To activate inventory tracking for a product, enable the "Is Tracked" setting. With this enabled, the product becomes unorderable in the frontend if the stock is insufficient.

Note: Inventory tracking is active only when "Is Tracked" is enabled. Without it, the product is considered always available, regardless of stock levels.

On Hand

This setting determines the available stock for each product. The stock decreases automatically with each successful order.

On Hold

This setting requires further explanation:

  • After checkout completion, ordered items shift from "On Hand" to "On Hold" until payment is complete.
  • If an unpaid order is cancelled, the "On Hold" quantity returns to "On Hand".
  • If the order payment status changes to paid, the "On Hold" quantity is permanently deducted.

Cart and Checkout Process

During the checkout process, if a product becomes out of stock, it will be removed from the customer's cart, and a form error will be displayed. This ensures that customers are only able to purchase items that are available in stock.