Order Detail

State / Price Overview

Please read more about the order workflow process here

Besides some useful information about the order store and the total order amount, there're also several order states:


This is the main state and represents the summary of all order states.

Name Description
new New order has been placed.
confirmed New order has been successfully created (after a offline order or a customer returns from payment gateway regardless of its state).
cancelled Order has been cancelled.
complete Order is complete.

Payment State

Global payment states per order and represents the summary of all order payments:

Name Description
new New payment has been created.
awaiting_payment Waiting for payment: User is on payment offsite or payment is offline.
partially_paid Some order payments have been paid.
paid All payments have been paid.
cancelled Order is complete.
partially_refunded Some order payments have been refunded.
refunded All payments have been refunded.

Shipment State

Global shipment states per order and represents the summary of all order shipments:

Name Description
new New shipment has been placed.
cancelled Shipment has been cancelled
partially_shipped Some order items have been shipped.
shipped All items have been shipped.

Invoice State

Global invoice states per order and represents the summary of all order invoices:

Name Description
new New invoice has been created.
cancelled Invoice has been cancelled
partially_invoiced Some invoices have been invoiced.
invoiced All invoices have been invoiced.

Carrier/Payment Provider Info

  • Currency of Order
  • Overall weight of Order Items
  • Carrier
  • Total Amount

Order History

The Order History shows you when specific states have been changed.







Mail Correspondence






Additional Data


