CoreShop Currencies


If you want to create a Currency via API, you can do following:

$newCurrency = $container->get('coreshop.factory.currency')->createNew();

Now you have a new Currency, if you want to persist it, you need to do following:


You now have a new persisted Currency.


If you want to query for Currencies, you can do following:

$currencyRepository = $container->get('coreshop.repository.currency');

$queryBuilder = $currencyRepository->createQueryBuilder('c');

// You can now create your query

// And get the result

$currencies = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();


If you want to update and existing Currency, you need to do following:

// Fetch Currency

$currency = $currencyRepository->findById(1);

// And Persist it


If you want to update and existing Currency, you need to do following:

// Fetch Currency

$currency = $currencyRepository->findById(1);

// And Persist it