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Version: 4.0

Pimcore Bundle


$ composer require coreshop/pimcore-bundle:^4.0

Activating Bundle

You need to enable the bundle inside the kernel or with the Pimcore Extension Manager.


// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundlesToCollection(BundleCollection $collection)
new \CoreShop\Bundle\PimcoreBundle\CoreShopPimcoreBundle()


The CoreShopPimcoreBundle integrates the CoreShop Pimcore Component into Symfony automatically registers a lot of services for you.

JS/CSS Resource Loading

With Pimcore, every bundle needs to take care about loading static assets themselve. PimcoreBundle helps you out here, follow these steps to use it:

  • Create a DependencyInjection Extension class like:

namespace AppBundle\DependencyInjection;

use CoreShop\Bundle\PimcoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Extension\AbstractPimcoreExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\YamlFileLoader;

class AppExtension extends AbstractPimcoreExtension
public function load(array $config, ContainerBuilder $container)
$config = $this->processConfiguration($this->getConfiguration([], $container), $config);

$loader = new YamlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/../Resources/config'));

$this->registerPimcoreResources('coreshop', $config['pimcore_admin'], $container);
  • Create a DependencyInjection Configuration class like:

namespace AppBundle\DependencyInjection;

use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\ArrayNodeDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface;

final class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
$treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
$rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('app');


return $treeBuilder;

* @param ArrayNodeDefinition $node
private function addPimcoreResourcesSection(ArrayNodeDefinition $node)

  • That's it, PimcoreBundle now takes care about loading your resources and also bundles them in non DEV-Mode.

DataObject Extensions

Serialized Data

This extension allows you to store SerializedData inside a Pimcore DataObject.


Pimcore comes with quite useful objects slugs. But it doesn't come with a Slug Generator. CoreShop for the rescue. In Order to use it, your class needs to implement CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\Slug\SluggableInterface and CoreShop automatically generates slugs for you.

Extensions / Influence the slug generation

If you want to change the generated slug or prefix it, you can use the CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\Event\SlugGenerationEvent Event.



namespace App\CoreShop\EventListener;

use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\Event\SlugGenerationEvent;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\PressRelease;
use Pimcore\Model\Document;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

final class SlugEventListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
SlugGenerationEvent::class => 'onGenerate',

public function onGenerate(SlugGenerationEvent $event): void
$event->setSlug($event->getSlug() . '-bar');

Pimcore includes a versatile Link Generator feature, designed for creating links associated with Pimcore Objects. CoreShop enhances this capability by introducing support for generating links for Sluggable entities. To leverage this extended functionality, modify the class definitions Link Generator setting to use @CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\Slug\SluggableLinkGenerator.

Data Object Features

Class Converter and Data Migrate

Class converter is a small utility, which lets you migrate all Data from one class to another. Usage:


use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\Migrate;

$currentClassName = 'Product';
$newClassName = 'NewProduct';
$options = [
'delete_existing_class' => true,
'parentClass' => 'AppBundle\Model\MyProduct'

//Copies $currentClassName Definition to $newClassName
//$options can overwrite some properties like parentClass
Migrate::migrateClass($currentClassName, $newClassName, $options);

//This function migrates all data from $currentClassName to $newClassName
//It uses SQL Commands to increase performance of migration
Migrate::migrateData($currentClassName, $newClassName);

Class Installer

Class Installer helps you importing Classes/FieldCollections/ObjectBricks into Pimcore based of a JSON Definition:

use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\ClassInstaller;

$installer = new ClassInstaller();

// For Bricks use
$installer->createBrick($pathToJson, $brickName);

// For Classes use
$installer->createClass($pathToJson, $className, $updateExistingClass);

// For FieldCollections use
$installer->createFieldCollection($pathToJson, $fcName);

Class/Brick/Field Collection Updater

Definition Updaters help you in migrating your Pimcore Class/Bricks or Field Collection Definitions to be properly migrated from Release to Release.

To update a Pimcore class use it like this:

use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\ClassUpdate;

$classUpdater = new ClassUpdate('Product');

//Your JSON Definition from Pimcore
$payment = [
'fieldtype' => 'coreShopSerializedData',
'phpdocType' => 'array',
'allowedTypes' =>
'maxItems' => 1,
'name' => 'paymentSettings',
'title' => 'Payment Settings',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => true,
'index' => false,
'locked' => null,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => null,
'datatype' => 'data',
'columnType' => null,
'queryColumnType' => null,
'relationType' => false,
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => false,
'visibleSearch' => false,

//Check if field exists
if (!$classUpdater->hasField('paymentSettings')) {
//If not insert field after a specific field and save the definition
$classUpdater->insertFieldAfter('paymentProvider', $payment);

Thats it, the same works for FieldCollections with the class CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\FieldCollectionDefinitionUpdate and for Bricks with the class CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\BrickDefinitionUpdate

Inheritance Helper

Inhertiance Helper is a small little but very useful helper class to enable Pimcore inheritance only with a closure function like this:

use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\InheritanceHelper;

$inheritedValue = InheritanceHelper::useInheritedValues(function() use($object) {
return $object->getValueInherited();
}, true);

Version Helper

Version Helper is a small little but very useful helper class to disabling or enablind Pimcore Versioning.

use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\VersionHelper;

VersionHelper::useVersioning(function() use($object) {
//Object will be saved without creating a new Version
}, false);

Unpublished Helper

Unpublsihed Helper is a small little but very useful helper class to get unpublished objects in Pimcore Frontend.

use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\UnpublishedHelper;

$allProducts = UnpublishedHelper::hideUnpublished(function() use($object) {
//Will return all products, even the unpbulished ones
return $object->getProducts();
}, false);

Expression Language Features

CoreShop adds some features to the Symfony Expression language like:

  • PimcoreLanguageProvider: to get Pimcore Objects, Assets or Documents inside a Expression Language Query

Migration Features

Pimcore Shared Translations

Helps you to install new Shared Translations during Migration:

use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\Migration\SharedTranslation;

SharedTranslation::add('key', 'en', 'value');