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Version: 4.1

Order List Actions

Actions allows you to process orders rapidly, right in the order grid view.


Register Filter Service

$stateMachineManager: '@coreshop.state_machine_manager'
$shipmentRepository: '@coreshop.repository.order_shipment'
- { name: coreshop.grid.action, type: demo }

Create PHP Class

In this example we want to apply the shipment transition "ship" to selected orders.


namespace App\CoreShop\OrderList\Action;

use CoreShop\Component\Order\Repository\OrderShipmentRepositoryInterface;
use CoreShop\Bundle\WorkflowBundle\Manager\StateMachineManagerInterface;
use CoreShop\Component\Pimcore\DataObject\Grid\GridActionInterface;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\CoreShopOrder;

class DemoAction implements GridActionInterface
protected $stateMachineManager;

protected $shipmentRepository;

public function __construct(
StateMachineManagerInterface $stateMachineManager,
OrderShipmentRepositoryInterface $shipmentRepository
) {
$this->stateMachineManager = $stateMachineManager;
$this->shipmentRepository = $shipmentRepository;

public function getName(): string
return 'coreshop.order.demo';

public function apply(array $processIds): string
$message = '';
$transition = 'ship';
$shipmentIds = [];

foreach ($processIds as $id) {

$m = [];
$order = CoreShopOrder::getById($id);
$shipments = $this->shipmentRepository->getDocuments($order);

if (count($shipments) === 0) {
$m[] = sprintf('- no shipments for order %s found. skipping....', $order->getId());
} else {
foreach ($shipments as $shipment) {
if ($shipment->getState() === 'shipped') {
$m[] = sprintf('- transition "%s" for shipment %s already applied. skipping...', $transition, $shipment->getId());
$workflow = $this->stateMachineManager->get($shipment, 'coreshop_shipment');
if (!$workflow->can($shipment, $transition)) {
$m[] = sprintf('- transition "%s" for shipment %s not allowed.', $transition, $shipment->getId());
} else {
try {
$workflow->apply($shipment, $transition);
$shipmentIds[] = $shipment->getId();
$m[] = sprintf('- transition "%s" for shipment id %s successfully applied.', $transition, $shipment->getId());
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$m[] = sprintf('- error while applying transition "%s" to shipment with id %s: %s.', $transition, $shipment->getId(), $e->getMessage());

$message .= sprintf('<strong>Order %s:</strong><br>%s<br>', $id, join('<br>', $m));


if (count($shipmentIds) > 0) {
$packingListUrl = '/admin/your-packing-list-generator-url?ids=' . join(',', $shipmentIds);
$message .= sprintf('<br><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a><br>', $packingListUrl, 'packing list');

return $message;

public function supports(string $listType): bool
return $listType === 'coreshop_order';