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Version: 4.1

Price Rule Actions

Get a brief overview of all the available Price Rule Actions in CoreShop.

Free Shipping

Available for: Cart Price Rules

This action allows free shipping when added to a cart price rule.

Gift Product

Available for: Cart Price Rules

Add a gift to the customer's cart with this action.


Gift ProductThe product must be a registered CoreShop product object.

Discount Amount

Available for: Cart Price Rules, Specific Product Price, Product Price

Apply a fixed amount of discount.


AmountDefine the discount amount.
GrossCheck if the amount includes VAT.
CurrencySpecify the currency for the amount.
Apply OnChoose between total and subtotal. Note: Only available in the cart rule context.

Discount Percent

Available for: Cart Price Rules, Specific Product Price, Product Price

Set a percentage-based discount.


PercentDefine the discount percentage.
Apply OnChoose between total and subtotal. Note: Only available in the cart rule context.

New Price

Available for: Specific Product Price, Product Price

Set a new price for a product.

Note: This is used as the new sale price in the frontend, without special discount labelling. For a highlighted discount price, use the Discount Price action.


PriceSet the new price.
CurrencySpecify the currency.

Discount Price

Available for: Specific Product Price, Product Price

Define a discounted price for a product.


PriceSet the discounted price.
CurrencySpecify the currency.