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Version: 4.1

Price Rules

CoreShop Price Rules are powerful tools for price calculation. This section provides a detailed overview of how price calculation works in CoreShop.

Types of Price Rules

There are three types of Price Rules in CoreShop:

1. Cart Price Rules

Apply a Price Rule to the customer's cart.

2. Product Price Rules

Apply a Price Rule globally to products.

3. Specific Product Prices

Apply Price Rules to specific products.

Global Priority

The order of priority for price rules is as follows:

  1. Product Price Rules are applied first.
  2. Specific Product Prices are applied second.

Example 1:

  • Given: Product A with a price of 100,-
  • Product Price Rule for Product A: New Price 50,-
  • Specific Price Rule for Product A: New Price 20,-
  • Resulting Price: 20,-

Example 2:

  • Given: Product A with a price of 100,-
  • Product Price Rule for Product A: Discount Percentage 50%
  • Specific Price Rule for Product A: New Price 50,-
  • Resulting Price: 25,-

Specific Price Priority

It's possible to add multiple Specific Price Rules per Product. The priority can be adjusted using the priority number field.

Automatic Rule Availability Checker

Rules with time-span elements included on the root level will be disabled automatically if they're outdated. Read more about automation here.

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