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Version: 4.1

Order Workflow

CoreShop provides a comprehensive workflow system for managing various states of orders, payments, shipments, and invoices. For a technical overview, refer to the State Management documentation.

Changing States

States can be changed for Orders, Payments, Shipments, and Invoices. If a transition is available, a colored state button will be displayed. Click this button to change the state.

Order Completion

In CoreShop, an order is considered complete when the payment state reaches paid and the shipment state reaches shipped. If you wish to include the invoice state invoiced in the order completion criteria, this can be enabled via the config like this:

## app/config/config.yml
coreshop.workflow.include_invoice_state_to_complete_order: true

Order Cancellation

Orders are rarely cancelled in CoreShop, except under specific circumstances:

  • Front-End Review: After a customer cancels their payment, they reach a review page where they can restart the payment process or cancel the order and restore their cart.
  • Back-End Review: Similar to the front-end, but the customer cannot restore a cart since the order was created in the back-end.

More details on the cancellation process can be found here.

Payment Workflow

Creating a Payment

Create a payment using the green button in the top-right corner. Payment state changes are typically managed by the frontend payment gateway.

Workflow Rules

  • Payments enter the new state upon creation.
  • Payments can be cancelled as long as they are in the new or processing state.
  • Once a payment reaches the completed state, it can only be refunded.

Attention: The refund process is not yet implemented in CoreShop!

Shipment Workflow

Creating a Shipment

Create a shipment using the green button in the top-right corner, provided there are enough shippable items.

Workflow Rules

  • Shipments enter the ready state after creation.
  • Shipments can be cancelled as long as they are in the ready state.
  • Once the ship state is triggered, a shipment cannot be cancelled anymore.

Invoice Workflow

Creating an Invoice

Create an invoice using the green button in the top-right corner, if there are enough invoiceable items.

Workflow Rules

  • Invoices enter the ready state after creation.
  • Invoices can be cancelled as long as they are in the ready state. Note: Cancelling an invoice is not a refund action. You are allowed to create another invoice after cancelling the previous one.
  • Once the complete state is triggered, an invoice cannot be cancelled anymore, which means the invoice has been finally captured. After that, a refund process must be initiated.

Attention: The refund process is not yet implemented in CoreShop!