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Version: 4.1

Payment Providers

A Payment Provider in CoreShop represents a method your customer uses to pay during the checkout process. It links to a specific gateway with custom configurations. Each payment method is configured separately using the payment method form in the admin panel.

Payment Gateway Configuration

Payment Gateways with CoreShop Bridges

To configure a payment gateway that already has a CoreShop bridge:

  1. Create a Configuration Form Type: Look at the existing configuration form types for gateways like Paypal and Sofort for reference.

  2. Register the Configuration Form Type: Use the coreshop.gateway_configuration_type tag to make the gateway available in the admin panel's dropdown.

    For guidance on configuration form types, refer to the Payum documentation.

Integrating Other Payment Gateways

To learn more about integrating other payment gateways, consult the Payum docs.

You may also need to add configuration in app/config/config.yml for the gateway’s factory:

factory: yourgateway

Example: Adding Sofort as a Payment Gateway Factory

To add Sofort as a new gateway configuration, create the following files:

  1. Form Type for Configuration Values:
namespace App\CoreShop\Form\Type;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
// ... other use statements ...

final class SofortGatewayConfigurationType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
// Form build logic...

Then, register the FormType in the service container:

- { name: coreshop.gateway_configuration_type, type: sofort }
- { name: form.type }
  1. ExtJs Form for Sofort:

    Create a JavaScript file for the ExtJs Form:

// public/coreshop/js/sofort.js
coreshop.provider.gateways.sofort = Class.create(coreshop.provider.gateways.abstract, {
getLayout: function (config) {
// Form layout logic...

Register the new JavaScript file:

sofort_gateway: '/coreshop/js/sofort.js'

After reloading Pimcore, you should see the new Factory available.