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Version: 4.1

State Management

CoreShop employs a sophisticated State Machine as a core feature, enabling the management of complex workflows in a secure and modern manner. Unlike many eCommerce frameworks that use a cumbersome and rigid "state/status" concept, CoreShop's approach offers a more dynamic and extendable state workflow.


In the context of a State Machine, the traditional "Status" is referred to as "Places". Each workflow comes with its predefined set of Places.


Transitions are used to change the Place of a workflow. A transition is considered valid if it successfully updates the workflow to a new place.


Several events can be triggered for each transition, and these can be extended for specific project needs. Example: When all order payments reach the completed place, the coreshop_order_payment workflow automatically transitions to paid.


CoreShop includes seven implemented workflows:

  • coreshop_order
  • coreshop_order_payment
  • coreshop_order_shipment
  • coreshop_order_invoice
  • coreshop_payment
  • coreshop_shipment
  • coreshop_invoice

These workflows are interconnected, so any transition in one can trigger transitions in others. Once a transition is dispatched, it cannot be reversed unless such an option is defined in the available transitions.

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