Sequence Bundle
The Sequence Bundle is a vital component within CoreShop that facilitates sequence generation, integrating seamlessly with Symfony and Doctrine.
Installation Process
To install the Sequence Bundle, use Composer:
$ composer require coreshop/sequence-bundle:^4.0
Integrating with the Kernel
Enable the bundle in the kernel by updating the AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundlesToCollection(BundleCollection $collection)
new \CoreShop\Bundle\SequenceBundle\CoreShopSequenceBundle(),
Updating the Database Schema
After installation, update the database schema with the following command:
$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
The Sequence Bundle integrates the Sequence Component into Symfony and Doctrine, providing essential tools for generating sequences within your application.
Doctrine Entities
The primary entity used in the Sequence Bundle is Sequence
Generating a New Sequence
To generate a new sequence, use the sequence generator service:
This bundle enhances the functionality of CoreShop, enabling efficient and orderly sequence generation for various operational needs.