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Version: 4.0

Custom Queries / Mutations

CoreShop Headless abstracts away the complexity of GraphQL and provides a simple API for developers to use. However, there are cases where you might want to write your own queries. For example, you might want to fetch custom entities or extend the default queries.

Extending Queries

CoreShop Headless provides a simple way to extend the default queries. You can extend the default queries by creating a new class that implements the CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\Query\CommandQueryInterface Interface. For example:

CoreShop Headless uses Symfony Command Bus to execute the queries. So we need several things to make this work:

  1. A Command that gets the input parameters from the query
  2. A CommandHandler that handles the Command
  3. A CommandQuery that instantiates the Command and returns the result
  4. (Optional) if your query is a Mutation Query, add the Interface CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\Query\CommandMutationQueryInterface.




namespace App\CoreShop\Headless\Command;

use CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\Command\CommandInterface;

class MyCustomCommand implements CommandInterface
public function __construct(
public readonly string myArgument,
) {

Command Handler



namespace App\CoreShop\Headless\CommandHandler;

use CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\Command\MyCustomCommand;

class MyCustomHandler
public function __invoke(MyCustomCommand $myCustomCommand): string
return 'Hello World ' . $myCustomCommand->myArgument;

The handler needs to be registered as a service and tagged with messenger.message_handler and bus: coreshop_headless.bus:

- { name: messenger.message_handler, bus: coreshop_headless.bus }

Command Query

Lastly, we need to create the Command Query that creates the GraphQL Query, instantiates the Command and returns the result:



namespace App\CoreShop\Headless\Query;

use CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\Command\MyCustomCommand;
use CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\Command\CommandInterface;
use CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\InputType\ActiveOrderInputType;
use CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\InputType\InputTypeFactoryInterface;
use CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\Query\ClassRestrictedCommandQueryInterface;
use CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\Query\CommandQueryInterface;
use CoreShop\Bundle\HeadlessBundle\Query\QueryHelper;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;

class MyCustomQuery implements CommandQueryInterface, ClassRestrictedCommandQueryInterface
public function getName(array $context, array $config): string
return 'MyCustomQuery';

public function getCommand(array $args, array $context, array $config): CommandInterface
return new MyCustomCommand($context['configuration']->getConfiguration()['general']['store']);

public function configureInputArguments(array $context, array $config): array
return [
'myArgument' => [
'type' => Type::string(),

public function configureResultFields(array $context, array $config): array
return ['myResult' => Type::string()];

public function prepareResult(mixed $result, array $context, array $config): array
return [
'myResult' => $result,

The Query needs to be registered as a service and tagged with coreshop.headless.command_query:

- { name: coreshop.headless.command_query }


query {
MyCustomQuery(myArgument: ":) My Argument") {

Voila, you have successfully extended the default queries.